Leaflet marketing can be a great way of not only getting in front of your customers but engaging them too. Leaflet marketing can be a very effective method of print advertising. It should form part of your direct marketing strategy. The benefits of leaflet marketing are it is highly targeted with low distribution costs. Your marketing message is delivered straight to your customers in their own homes.
It is important that your leaflet marketing campaign engages your customers. It is this engagement that will lead customers to take the call to action. There are several things you can do to improve the engagement rates of your leaflet marketing campaign.
Run an incentive based campaign
Using an incentive is one of the most effective ways to engage with your customers. By including a 10% discount, or another incentive, on your leaflet, it will immediately attract attention. Incentives increase the likelihood of sales. They can also prolong the life of the leaflet. It is likely the leaflet will be kept for longer (at least until the discount ends).
Run a local leaflet marketing campaign
If you are a local business, your local clientele are the most important to you. People living within a small radius of your business will be more likely to visit you, due to how close they are. Also, there is often a sense of wanting to support local businesses to help keep them going. By focusing your leaflet marketing efforts locally will raise awareness of what you do to those most likely to become customers.
Ever considered teaming a local campaign with an incentive based campaign? It is a great way to show your local community that you recognise your neighbours and offer them a discount. This approach will not only deliver great results for you, it will help you stand out in your community.
Display your contact details
While this may seem like an obvious one, making sure you tell your customers how they can get in touch with you. It is important and should not be overlooked. It is vital that you make it as easy as possible for your customers to contact you. Display your phone number, business address, website address and email address prominently.
Eye catching leaflet design
It is important that your leaflet is attractive and eye-catching. If it looks badly designed or isn’t easy to read, people will immediately discard it – without even reading it. Think about the colours of your leaflet, the font and any images you used. Are they on brand and do they complement each other?
Lemon Press has a 3,000 sq.m print production facility in Redditch. Whatever your print requirements, the Lemon Press can help. We promise the same high levels of attention and professional care for every job placed with us. Get in touch on 01527 510262 or email info@nulllemonpress.co.uk